Handling your own finances and building a good enough credit rating to get a loan can be difficult, but did you know that in certain circumstances, it’s not only your credit rating that matters? Many people have been refused a loan because their partner’s credit rating has been bad. It doesn’t matter whether they’re a […]
If you’re self-employed, you might worry that you won’t be able to get a loan. There are so many loans out there, but if you’re self-employed, it can feel like there’s precious little assistance when it comes to finding the right loan for you. The simple fact of the matter is that yes, you can […]
Most people need to borrow money at some point in their lives, whether for a large purchase or in an emergency. With so many lenders now on the market, it can be difficult to know who to trust and who will give you the best deals. Sometimes the best deals are too good to be […]
If you are in debt and owe money to your creditors, there are various options available to you when it comes to paying the debt. The exact route you take to settle your outstanding debts will usually depend on your assets and the amount of spare money you have available. We understand that mounting debts […]
Universal Credit is a Government benefit scheme aimed at offering financial assistance for people whose income is low or who are out of work. In the current climate, the number of people on Universal Credit is rising, many of whom have never been on it before. One question that people ask is whether it’s possible […]
Your credit score is like a passport to credit in the UK, and that little number can mean the difference between getting a mortgage or a loan and having your application rejected. However, considering it’s an important number in most people’s lives, credit scores are widely misunderstood. Tending to your credit score is an important […]
It can sometimes feel that the internet is full of crooks and scammers. Not a day goes by when most of us receive a so-called phishing email, trying to tempt us to part with our money or login details for bank accounts and subscription services. Most are fairly easy to spot but succeed by contacting […]
If you’re trying to improve your credit score, it’s important to consider every detail that might make a mark. In some cases, this could even include your utility bills – how you pay them, whether you pay them on top, and whether you’re on top of them all. Do Credit Reference Agencies Look at Utility […]
When seeking financial services from reputable lenders, you are likely to come across mentions of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). If you don’t know what the FCA is, this article will tell you everything you need to know. Essentially the FCA is a regulatory body that ensures financial service providers adhere to specific conduct. For […]
UK consumers and businesses now have a clear set of rights that are protected by law. These rights ensure that they can buy with confidence, get trustworthy advice and obtain help with any disputed transactions. Who champions buyers’ rights? That would be the Ombudsman Service. This article explores ‘What is the Ombudsman Service?’ and provides […]