It can be frustrating when you try to sort your life out financially but keep getting knocked back by your bad credit record. If you find yourself in a situation where your credit is less than stellar, it can feel like you are trapped in a black hole, and nobody seems to want to help you out. Of course, you want to keep your head above water, but whenever you think you are on the way out, interest payments or cash flow conspire to pull you back in, and you end up even worse than before. That is where we come in. We specialise in arranging small loans for those with bad credit so that you can take your first steps to financial freedom. Sounds too good to be true? Let us take a look at what we do and how we can help you.
On Your Side
Because banks can’t have everyone talk to their bank manager every time they need a loan, they rely on credit reports to give them the lowdown on whether we’re good candidates for lending. That is not a problem for many people, but for people with a bad credit history, it can make it difficult or impossible to access credit. Thus, something that many people take for granted, such as loans for emergencies and essentials, are out of reach. It can also lead to a so-called spiral of debt, where the interest payments on your existing loans cost so much that you cannot afford to pay them down, and they keep getting larger. Consolidating your debt could be a solution, but the banks will not lend to you, and it feels like you can never get out.
While it can sometimes seem that the banks are not on your side, you can turn to our friendly team to help you out because we have always got your back. We do not put you in the same little boxes that banks use to judge you, and instead, we treat every single loan application as a blank slate, using the information you give us to link you up with a trustworthy and helpful lender who can get you the money you need. It really is that easy. Just fill in our forms honestly, and we will do the legwork to find you that small loan for bad credit that can make a world of difference.
Why Small Loans?
You might be asking yourself, why get a small loan? There are loads of great reasons why getting a small loan can be quick and easy and can make a world of difference. For one thing, this type of loan is perfect for life’s little emergencies when you do not have the ready cash saved to pay for them out of pocket.
Your car packs in, your boiler breaks down, your roof gets a leak or your youngest needs a new school uniform. These are everyday situations that may seem small but can make a big difference to our finances if we cannot cover the cost. Normally, if you cannot afford the expense, you will be forced to get a high-interest loan or go without. But that can lead to further complications such as no hot water or inability to get to work and get yourself into even more trouble.
Small loans for bad credit are also a great option if flexibility is what you need. While many high street banks will be strict about how much you can borrow and how long you can pay it back over, sometimes forcing you to borrow more than you need and to pay it back over a long period, you can often specify exactly what you need with a small loan. Need £200 to get you to the next payday, and want to pay it off in a month? That is no problem. Need £900 to fix the boiler, and you want to pay it off over six months? That is fine too. You set the amount. You set the time period. We tell you how much it will cost. You are totally in control.
We are also totally flexible about exactly what you use your small loan for. Some banks will not only ask to know why you are taking out a loan and decide whether to give it to you based on your answer, but they will also often make you spend it on the thing you said you would if it’s a debt consolidation loan. We are not like that. We understand that life is tough, and some things happen that require money to fix, and we will help you get a loan regardless.